Friday, August 15, 2008

Did The Job Fit My Attributes/Skills, Or Did My Attributes/Skills Fit The Job?

I got an interesting question from someone that I interviewed with recently.

"...your experience is high on the finance side- is that something you would to stay active in or are you ready to move out of that industry and type of work?"

Hummm, I never really thought of "moving out" of that industry. Here’s my somewhat long winded response.

One aspect that I liked about my various roles in the finance area was that they all had a high degree of independence. As a stockbroker you were responsible for most everything you did. While doing project management at my own company, I prospected within the investment industry because I could easily understand their needs. At the Bank I was in a small group that had significant autonomy which was not found elsewhere at the bank. Smaller companies allow for greater independence.

I can see why people could see my focus being with in the financial industry. It has been there because of personal interest. However, the various roles fed my desire working for myself and educating others. As a stockbroker I educated people about investing; with projects for my own company, I educated people about the internet and benefits of integrating back offices; with the Tea Co, it was educating people about tastes, health benefits, mixing blends, etc.

Also with my Tea Co, I managed to hone various entrepreneurial skills such as marketing and business planning. I started to help my friends' businesses with planning and to increase their media exposure.

So to finally answer the question, it does not matter if the job that I get is within the financial area or not. Whatever I'm doing needs to feed me in a different manner. I like educating/helping people; I want to use my planning and technical skills; I seem to be good at marketing and want to continue to expand those skills; I want to be encouraged and excited about what a company is doing. In the past I've found these roles in the financial services sector and striking out on my own. Your position seems to fit my criteria and has piqued my interest.

1 comment:

Ghetto Photo Girl said...

Did you receive a response back from that?